Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Forced Lecture

The night was passed without any Night Terrors incidents but as the party awoke Agna/Paullus asked where in the world the party was.

As the spell casters memorized the days spells, Ciprian explained to Paullus that the group was now in Katheer.  The rest of the explanation went relatively smooth as Paullus didn't seem overly concerned about the gap in his memory.  Possibly his past with no memory in the Asylum had desensitized him to this happening.

Erevel was raring to go, "Lets get into the Library.  Time is a wastin'."

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Glorious Golden Katheer

Ciprian started examining the body of the Hooded Harbinger that lay upon the decking.  The whole face was covered by a filthy hood and the reek was incredible.  The hands of the creature were a dark mottled skin but each hand held five digits.

Pulling the hood off revealed another layer of stinking, rotten wrappings, he cut the next layer off and beneath was another layer.  At this point he decided to stop trying to figure out what lay beneath and Erevel swung her mighty sword to cut off the head of the monster.

The body exploded in a massive flash of light and concussive force that completely obliterated all evidence of it.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Harbinger of Doom

"I can get some of us out with dimension door," Ciprian began.

"And I can get other out with a teleport, but not everyone," Armania chimed in.

"We don't really want to split the party," interjected Gavril.

"Can't we just pop back in behind the inn?" Erevel queried.

"Not really the dimension door has a limited range," Ciprian answered.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Journey to the Center of the Earth

Erevel grabbed some healing from Ciprian and Ursina as Gavril checked the only door to the north.  No traps or locks were found so Erevel opened the door which led to a ten foot hallway.

Gavril again headed to check for traps.  The party was in a hurry to continue the battle before some of their spells wore off.  Erevel then opened the next door and found a the dark cavern.  The floor was awash in fetid water.  The catwalk was ten feet overhead.  A ladder led to the catwalk on the open side of the catwalk.

Derro hanging from the chains fired crossbow bolts at Erevel and reloaded by bringing the crossbow to their off hand.  They were repeating crossbows.