Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Who You Are

A glistening pool lay before the party in the valley between three dunes. A small wooden hut stood near the water, and an immense tree shaded the pool and the hut, with large, lumpy fruits hanging near the ground.

No activity was observed.  Paullus sent Barnabas to scout the area.  Barnabas returned saying that only scorpions and small creatures were seen.  No people or creatures were evident.

Armania moved forward and looked at the entire scene through the gem of seeing, no differences were observed through the gem.  Ciprian circled wide around the hut and ended at the northeast where he approached cautiously. Erevel and Gavril moved closer toward the hut, noting that the fruit vaguely resembled human heads.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Moon Music

Gavril moved to a flanking position with a grizzly bear on Ahrkh-Nar. Unfortunately he found that the amorphous body of the Moon Beast was not affected by his precision damage.

Ahrkh-Nar then attacked with the tentacles and then applied rend by twisting and turning the tentacles after hitting.  Gavril felt his wisdom draining from the attack.  Finally the bear was hit by a claw.

Yath-Kheph then attacked Ciprian with its claws, destroying one image but hitting the Bard with his other.  Then against his nemesis, Ursina, he released the tentacles and Ursina also felt her wisdom drain from her head.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Twin Lives

The western twin moved to the middle of the north end of the room and started dancing.  Erevel, Paullus and Ursina appeared to stare toward the dancer.  The other twin appeared to regenerate some health and then touched Gavril causing damage as she appeared to heal more of her damage.

Armania tried the wand of scorching ray once again and this time the spell actually fired and affected the twins but not very heavily. 

Erevel looked confused and hit herself with her sword.  Gavril then took his attacks with both hands, but only managed to actually hit the twin once.

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Dragon's Breath

The party saw Torture devices filling the large chamber, from racks and iron maidens to spiked chairs and vises. Most of the implements were stained with fresh blood, and a coppery tang filled the air. A wide staircase in the northeast corner led down. Double doors stood in the south and west walls. The western wall of the room is dominated by a large apparatus with conical brass horns, fluted pipes piercing the ceiling, and oily tubes snaking from the apparatus to each of the torture devices. An odd, low wailing emanated from the machine like a faraway scream.

A redheaded woman had just transformed into an ebony dragon with red frills.  The dragon appeared terribly contorted and trailed shadows.  

As the dragon moved toward the center of the room it bellowed "You shall not pass!"