Chaos reigned as all the party goers started moving in random directions trying to get away from the sickly green, frog faced humanoids. The creatures attacked from above flying down to and killing several party goers.
On such creature touched Ursina and she felt wracking burns and a wave of doom that quickly passed.
Armania moved slightly toward the center of the party, which was spread out across the room. She found moving difficult as the randomly running party goers impeded movement. She finished by using her wand of Scorching Ray at the closed creature. It seemed to do minimal damage.Paullus fired his bow at another and though it seemed to hit the ghostly figure, it did no damage. Ursina backed away and cast Ghostbane Dirge to cause the seemingly incorporeal figure to coalesce to a semi-physical state. Unfortunately the spell failed.
Gavril moved as quickly as he could but could not reach one of the creatures. Ciprian identified the monsters a Ib Shades, undead with a Doom Ability. He moved into a pocket of party goers next to Armania and cast Good Hope on the party. Erevel then moved to the nearest enemy and found that even her greatsword did half damage.