Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Meet Nestor Bindlay

While the party discussed who should have the Belt of Might Consitution Paullus was scouting the area looking for a good path through the tree branches to the east.  The woods was lush and full which made seeing any distance an issue.

Using the Gem of Seeing Armania did not make out any unusual or unknown beings.  

After Erevel took the Belt the party headed off to the east to try and find the Tree Tigers.  The Zoogs were definitely afraid of the creatures so the party was cautious as they headed toward the next huge tree.

The leaves and branches of the forest canopy opened to the deep blue sky above and were bathed in bright sunlight.  On a large leaf ahead of the party they saw a human male who was bound, gagged, and staked to a leaf with wide thorns.  His eyes moved toward the party as he tried not to move a muscle.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Enchanted Wood

"I will get rid of this darkness," Armania stated as she pulled out a light rock.

There was a catwalk across the upper part of the ballroom.  The area around the catwalk was filled with webs.  

"We should get prepared," said Armania as Ursina cast Bless, Armania cast Haste and Ciprian cast GoodHope.

Armania then cast Purge Invisibility as the party moved on down the catwalk.

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Viscount's Gala

"Not now I am busy researching these book from Lowl's estate," growled Ursina to Paullus.  Paullus had tried to get Ursina to at least take a break to eat but she refused again.

"You really have to eat or you won't make it to Cassomir," repeated Paullus for the fourth time.

Armania was treating the scholars to another round of training, and then asked them if they knew how to cast Restoration.  "You see, Erevel is in need of Restoration. She lost some Wisdom in our tour through the desert Caravanserai in the Dreamlands."

"You actually went to the Dreamlands?" Wreben queried, "I don't want to set foot anywhere near that dimension."

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

The Yellow King

The Huge creature unwound a oozing neck, opened its dark maw and bit and grabbed Armania.  Then it attacked Gavril and Erevel with its tendrils.

A howl went up from the three party members in the Baths area altering the rest of the party in the hallway to their situation.  Ciprian cast Haste and moved to the doorway but stayed in the hall not wishing to rush in just yet.

Back in the Baths, Gavril studied the huge monstrosity and attacked with Red Destiny hitting the monsters head but finding that less damage was done than expected.

"It has damage resistance of some sort," he cried out.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Haunted Dining

As the party looked around Erevel moved to the western set of double doors.  Since no sounds had been heard, she pushed open the door.  A blast of cool air hit Erevel in the face as she peered into a shadowy room and hallway leading west.  To the south was a basin raised on three foot high carved sleepwalkers statues.

The remaining party moved up toward the now open door as Erevel moved further into the room.  As she moved past he basin she could see that it was empty.  Dry, except for the dust, it certainly could have held water in the past.  The floor was covered in dust with no footprints evident.