Tuesday, February 8, 2022


Only Ciprian, Gavril and Ursina were aware as four Vooniths clambered up unto the deck of the Sellen Starling.  Ciprian started his Bardic Performance as he had seen such a creature previously at Briarstone.  He also cast Good Hope on the party.

The first Voonith let out a Blood-Freezing Howl which dazed Paullus, Skywin and two of the shipmates. The second attacked Gavril as the third let out its Howl, which dazed the other two shipmates.  The fourth attacked Erevel and tripped her with its bite attack, then it clawed with all four claws.

Armania stepped away and fired a magic missile at one of the brightly colored, long necked amphibian.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Sellen Starling

Armania and Ciprian were arguing over the wand of scorching ray that was found on Melisenn.  

"Well, I guess you can just take it ALL!" exclaimed Armania frustrated with Ciprian's continued collection of magic items.

"OK, OK, you can have it," Ciprian responded with a huge sigh.

"We need to get Erevel a few more items also.  I think she needs the ring of protection and some more potions.  She is always up front in every fight." Armania continued.  Erevel concurred silently with a nod.