Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Kuru Wave

"Whew that was another blood sucker.  What is really going on here?" pondered Erevel, wiping the blood ooze off of her armor.

"Is everyone fine?  Does anyone need healing?" Ursina asked.

As no one spoke up the party continued searching the room.  Armania found the L-shaped armoire to contain a rather disorganized and grimy eclectic collection of expensive clothing—an ample cloak, a fur coat, a frock, a couple of silk turbans, a wide-brimmed hat, and a half-dozen shirts with lace-trimmed collars and sleeves.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Blood Suckers

Both Paullus and Armania were grappled by the creatures tentacles and were bleeding profusely.  The horrid monster was turning more red by the second.

Armania started to break the grapple as several tiny tendrils slithered out from the creatures body to leech away the dripping blood with efficiency.  The creature seemed to gain strength as it consumed the blood.  In reaction the party became slightly spooked at the sight, except for Paullus who tried desperately to close his eyes to the horror.

With a satisfying wrench, Armania was able to break free of the grappling tentacles while sliding backward, hopefully out of reach.  Multiple attacks flew about from Erevel, Gavril and Ursina.  The bloodsucking creature fell on top of the table.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Tik Tok, Tik Tok

The party began to move around the room examining various items.  Erevel went to look at the shimmering amber coated human.  It appeared to be a real person and Ciprian indicated that it radiate magic.

Gavril looked down the north hallway which led to another door.  Ursina headed for the magic radiating from the ceramic vial.  

A creature appeared near the ceiling in the southwest corner of the room and all the characters looked in that direction and saw a gaunt, long-limbed quadruped with a toothy maw and huge, soulless eyes, that looked in their direction.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Brambly Limbs and Tusks

"We are under attack!" cried Gavil to warn the party members who were not at the gates.  He then downed his potion of vanish and hid at the corner of the gatehouse.

Paullus, who was just north of the gateway headed to the area and prepared to his bow.

Out of the squat gatehouse a humanoid with red tattoos on his face, red eyes and jagged filed teeth, ran south to attack Ursina.  A man with a red cape on moved out to attack Paullus with his rapier.