Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Gavril's Doppelganger

 Gavril and Ursina drug the undead guard into the small room which was now crowded.  The group searched all the bodies and the rest of the room finding nothing else.

"Should we go down to the lower level here?" asked Gavril.

"If something was down there they would have already come up to find out what the noise was we were making," declared Erevel.

"Maybe we should check out the towers before we head down to the lower level," suggested Armania.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Skum of the Earth

"I don't see any activity, on the parapets or from the front doors," said Paullus.

"Should we continue looking in the loops?" queried Ursina while moving further eastward around the fort.

"How many of these arrow loops are there? Erevel asked.  "Maybe I could just climb up to the parapets instead."

The stormy skies and rain made it rather dark outside even in the early morning as the group continued peering at the Fort really hoping that their intrusion would be accepted as locals wandering close to the fort.

Tuesday, September 14, 2021


 "We need to find out what those Merrow were eating.  Let's head to the street to see if they have cleaned up yet," Armania suggested.

"Surely they were feasting on the humans in town," answered Gavril with a smirk on his face.

"Now, now, let's not assume anything," Ciprian answered.  "We just need to go check it out."

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Stranger and Stranger

 The creature was huge, twenty feet tall, no telling how much it weighed.  Gavril fired his bow at the creature and then readied to flank the monster as it moved up toward the party.

Paullus moved forward and fired his crossbow, hitting the creature.  The attack actually seemed to do damage, which the party appreciated given their last fight against the incorporeal spirit.

Armania was ready as she moved into view and webbed the huge creature.