Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Night(mare) on the streets of Thrushmoor

Erevel again felt the pain of a claw rake her skin.  She breathed a sigh of relief as the second claw missed her as she was not sure she could survive another.

Armania, not wishing to lose a spell, cast an acid dart which found its mark on the Revenant.  Ursina followed quickly with another disrupt undead.

Erevel again swung her mighty sword hitting squarely home, but not inflicting the damage she wished.  After she took a five foot step away to hopefully avoid another claw attack.

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Briarstone Witch Part 2

 Gavril sneaked back to the barricade aware that the canines had probably notice him.

"We should wait here and make them come to us one at a time," he declared.

"You mean we aren't going to go in a fight whatever is in there?" queried Erevel completely confused.

"If we make them fight us one at a time it will be easier," answered Gavril.

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Briarstone Witch Part 1

"I can get rid of this 'doomsayer'," injected Gavril.  "That's my specialty!"

"Maybe he'll go with us on the boat to the cave," added Erevel, "He doesn't have to make it there.  It's a large lake."

"Now we really only have to get him to stop spouting this nonsense," Ciprian said in despair.  "No one said we had to kill him."

The party was in 'deep' discussion after their meeting with Cesadia.  They were heading toward The Stain to get a bite to eat and a drink.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Gibbering Mouther

"Dreaming of?  Like in nightmares?" asked Gavril.

"No, No I have seen you in my dreams that last few nights," answered Lelwyn.  "I was immediately inspired to put brush to canvas.  I couldn't quite get the details right for your faces."

"Have we met you before?" queried Ciprian.