Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Refused Service

 The whole group except Ciprian set off up a main street through Thrushmoor.  They were looking for clothing shops in which Ursina wanted to purchase a new explorer's outfit and vestments.  The rest were on the look for magic shops, smithys, and food.  A few bakeries caught Armania's eye and she purchased some bread.  All were hoping to find food and a bed to sleep in.  

As the group approached the inn they were directed to they began hearing a voice, "Doom is coming!  The second vanishing is upon us!"

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The Return of the Tatterman

 Standing before their worst nightmare, the party tried to stop the involuntary twitches that were occurring in their feet and hands.  Feet wanting to run away, hands almost dropping the weapons they held.

Ursina, hurting badly from the battle with Zandalus, downed a potion and retreated to the hallway.  Armani, out of spells, fired magic missiles from her wand and then watched as the wounds healed themselves.  Erevel moved up to attack but missed.  She took a serious wound from the War Razor that the Tatterman swung.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Ulver Zandalus

 Ursina noticed some magic on the body of the Bag Lady.  The Bracers on her arms were the indicated item.  Ursina took them and immediately put them on her own arms.  Paullus was searching through the pallets and found some coins and jewels, along with a pearl tooth.  Erevel found twelve bite-sized pieces of jerky stored under another pallet.  Ciprian noted a harrow deck on the table.  He was leafing through it noting that the Foreign Trader card was unusual.  It depicted a veiled figure in yellow bearing an armful of misshapen rubies. 

Suddenly two arrows came flying out of the stairwell at Paullus and Armania's eagle.  A quick look by Paullus saw four Apostles standing on the stairwell, two having fired their short-bows.