Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Black Stars Beckon

            Along the shore the cloud waves break,
            The twin suns sink behind the lake,
            The shadows lengthen
            In Carcosa.

            Strange is the night where black stars rise,
            And strange moons circle through the skies,
            But stranger still is
            Lost Carcosa.

            Songs that the Hyades shall sing,
            Where flap the tatters of the King,
            Must die unheard in
            Dim Carcosa.

                                                —Robert W. Chambers, The King in Yellow

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Chronological Corrector

The party sat around discussing all their magic items and capabilities.  Some items were swapped from hero to hero.  Armania came up with her preferred list of spells to use for the final day.  After the discussion the party took a night's rest and awoke refreshed with Ofraham still in their midst.

Queen Cassilda ask them if they were ready to visit the Carcosan version of Thrushmoor and when the group emphatically stated that they were prepared. Cassilda teleported the group and they arrived near the shore of Avalon Bay. The queen immediately cried out in a startled and tortured scream and flickered out of existence.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

The Blighted Tower

The streets of Paris were now much safer as the group saw no more gendarmes patrolling.  They headed down the river Seine, which still smelled foul and the sky was almost dark even with the light of the two suns of Carcosa.

As the river curved to the south in the distance they saw what appeared to be a blunt tower.  As they moved closer the remnants of a fantastic iron tower stood here over a broken and rubble-strewn street. The tower was fashioned from a lattice of riveted iron girders. The shattered remains of an elevator system occupied the leg area along with a set of iron stairs. The height of the tower was once approximately one thousand feet, though it had since been snapped in half. The base and two floors were still somewhat intact, although wreckage and twisted metal littered the structure and surrounding area.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Cabaret Du Oubli

"Careful with that axe," Ciprian implored Ofraham, the new Paullus.

"I am very good with weapons, my sword is just a distraction," he retorted.

"Are we going directly into the Gendarmes territory?  Or should we stay on the edges trying to set up a trap?" Gavril queried.

"I think we should march right in and attack the first patrol we run into.  Maybe they will then parlay," Erevel countered in her usual fashion.

"We really should not antagonize them too much," Ciprian said implying caution.

Friday, November 22, 2024

Rue d'Auseil

The next several days were spent traveling through Nexuses that were mostly deserted.  Some times small rodents were spotted.  In others larger animal life was spotted in the distance or around corners but these never approached the party.  The last three magic items were a Rod of Lordly Might, a Ringe of Spell Storing (Air Walk, Mage Armor) and a Spell Lattice (Dimension Door).

While traveling the group continued to restore sanity and reduce the possibility of further problems with Madnesses that had afflicted the party.  By the time Erich said that they were approaching the Seine River the group was back to relatively good health.

Late that day the party reached the banks of a River.  Erich wrote on his pad that this was the Seine leading to Paris.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Riot and Ruin in Rime

The party decided to head out to the rest of the underground area, firstly going to the northeast.  This led to another pentagonal chamber. A ten-foot-by-five-foot block of greenish black marble sat at the north end of this pentagon-shaped chamber. A large section of the top of the block had been cut away and lined with a strange steel alloy to form a basin or pool. A scent like a mixture of lavender and ozone lingered in the air. The walls and floor were smooth stone as elsewhere, but also remarkably clean.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

The Mutate

The Elder Things cast Stoneskin on Agna and Ciprian to support their battle with the Mutate.  They also made sure the party understood that letting the Mutate escape from the Laboratory would be devastating for Bohlvarai and the heroes both.

"What else do we need to know about the Laboratory?" Ciprian asked.

"The whole complex is protected by a Permanent Wall of Force.  Additionally here are three small pentagonal stone chips cut from a pinkish translucent stone.  We are not precisely sure what they’re used for, but we know they somehow are required for a locking mechanism to the vault that holds the Star Stela."